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Transient Internalization and Microtubule-Dependent Trafficking of a Ciliary Signaling Receptor from the Plasma Membrane to the Cilium.

Curr Biol. 2019-08; 
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Nucleic Acid Purification & Analysis … Protease inhibitor cocktail, Sigma, USA, Cat# 9599. Papaverine, Sigma, USA, Cat# P3510. SDS-PAGE sample buffer, Boston Bioproduct, USA, Cat# BP-111R. 4-20% SDS-PAGE Precast Gel, GenScript, USA, Cat# M00677. Prolong Gold Slowfade, Thermo scientific, USA, Cat# S36936 … Get A Quote


Cilia are ancient organelles used by unicellular and multicellular organisms not only for motility but also to receive and respond to multiple environmental cues, including light, odorants, morphogens, growth factors, and contact with cilia of other cells. Much is known about the cellular mechanisms that deliver membrane proteins to cilia during ciliogenesis. Execution of a ciliary signaling pathway, however, can critically depend on rapid alterations in the receptor composition of the cilium itself, and our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie these rapid, regulated alterations remains limited [1-6]. In the bi-ciliated, unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, interactions bet... More


Chlamydomonas,cilia,ciliary entry,ciliary signaling,cytoplasmic microtubules,membrane protein polarization,membrane protein trafficking,peri-ciliary membrane,protein internalization,protein redistribu